Monday, 30 January 2012

Lecture 8 - Jean Baudrillard and Postmodernism.

Hyperreality theory.

production growth
marketing & communism

Bladerunner 1982 - idea of simulacra
What is real?
Reality is turned into blank white canvas filled with constructions

- early writings grounded in Marxism
> shaping the environment through industry
Became removed or alienated from the condition.

Universal condition of human experience

Products have 'use value'
- can become commodities
these have 'exchange value'

- abstraction of 'use value'
Relationship to the world becomes indirect.

Directly engaging with & transforming the world around you.
Not possible under capitalism
>said marx.

A mans work becomes an object.
Exchange of labour for production disconnects the labourer from the product.

- weighing products / commodities against all others, and the quantity of money we can exchange them for.
Industrialisation would make production much more effective.
Henry Ford 
> automated production line 1913
everyone contributes one element of production along the line.

Post war
Manufacturing boom
assembly line becomes method of production for all commodity items.

John Berger
Publicity as a system proposes we change ourselves an our lives by buying things.
translating words into a language 'people' understand.
Thing statement to human statements.

mpg - high - thrifty
        -  low - Advertise above thrifty, to those money isn't an issue. thrill seekers etc.

Advertising codes products
Fitting objects into series
they are then related to individual consumers
Focus Groups. 
- Basing advertising upon the information found out from a group of consumers.

Array of advertising messages out there make up a language
needs cohere with product...

Shop Environments 
suggest Abundance - affluence
people are all made to desire in the same way
agreement of a given language system

Language . signification of meaning

Tube station
- adverts randomly next to each other (like montage)

cultural condition of hyperreality

'desert of the real' 

Twin Towers. 
Immune to their surroundings - appear so clearly within the vast city scape.

Media representations affecting & shaping social events.
suggesting that spectacular endings in films etc were sort of the basis for 9/11

post modernity is a game with the leftovers of what has been destroyed
> history has stopped
>No meaning
Material progress has come to an end
American psycho - personification of current social stance.
Patrick Bateman.

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