Thursday, 8 March 2012

Lecture 10 - Deleuze, Guattari & creativity

Richard Pinhas
Strange music
- sounds come together - disperse - reconfigure

Constructed and contingent nature of social reality
Creativity > generative force

Contrasting 'Rhizomatic' with traditional 'tree-like' thought
Concepts of 'the visual' and 'the actual'

1970s & 80s philosopher and psychologist
Faris May 1968
- student and worker protests
Re-thinking social change - could be ongoing as opposed to a point of revolution/revolt.
Which in Paris' student and worker protests was unsuccessful

Traditional thought - Tree-like
- lines of argument 'branching' out from one central point. trunk.

Alternate structure of thought - Rhizomatic.
- favours creativity/play

Multi-disciplinary construction

Rhizo from the plant form - like tree
Rhizos are like wall climbing plants
Ginger is a rhizo
- growing underground then pushing up shoots
Forms the alternative mode of thought

Linked not through vertical progression like tree. But through jumping between many different ideas
Principles of inter-relationship

Produced ideas between users of a given language system

Dog > log } changing single letters can completely alter the meaning

Draws upon the nature by which meaning is constructed between different language systems. 

Embrace our connection with reality around us. Rhizos are creative forces shaping new ways of thinking/practicing

Isa Genzken , Hospital (Ground zero) 2008
Things appear put together provisionally
Found materials
Suggests the possibility of architectural construction that could be reconfigured 

Assemblage. Developed by Deleuze and Guattari
Arranging > organising > Putting together
coming together of 'things'
School > example of an assemblage
Home > assemblage
Dinner Party > assemblage
Singing pr humming a tune in order to bring back familiarity to an unfamiliar place

Home not necessarily a house

Places and language and how the two together can be meaningful

"here is your diploma"
- under currents in this statement of duty, get a job... well done, congratulations.
Laden with implicit pre-propositions of what people say and do in these situations.

Statements that enact their meaning
"I do" at a wedding > both an utterance and an action.

Bruce Nauman - good boy, bad boy
Repeating statements that continually change, by very small amounts > single word change each time.

"I", "you", "we"
Language is not just about transmission of messages - it is also about the reply.

Value - power - prejudice

"hoody" - person wearing a hood up. some kind of criminal tendencies.
History of assumptions surrounding 'hoodies'

"hoodies" assembling outside shop
- are judged by everyone passing
- people make assumptions
- area they are then becomes territorialised
- with each judgement, the assemblage changes

Tabloid press
status of teenagers in society change very quickly

Whereas status of the military is fixed

Zaha Hadid 
Creates buildings that come together as assemblages

Sense of self/identity is not given, it is always under construction.

Close to the views of Marxism
( or bears some kind of relation to it)

Some ideologies dominate, or they reflect dominance within society.
- Person owning means of production etc
- relations of dominance
conflictual nature of ideology
"We're all in it together"
Mantra following the banking crisis

repressive state apparatus - the police?

- Thrust into the tasks of wage labour.
- Forced to perform as a parent
Have to do your job properly
Have to behave in public                     }      each have recurrence if not. 
Have to be thoughtful to partner 

How we ought to behave within a given situation

How we as individuals are shaped by society

Schizo analysis 
Our psyche is shaped by our relationship to our parents growing up.

Freud is a tree-like thinker
psycho analysis is a practice aswell as a theory

I understand you/ I can treat you

set notion of who a person is
Through role play and discussion and suggestion etc therapists aim to reconfigure who that person is. 

In the process of breakdown > is the possibility for change and rehabilitation
The unconscious is a factory that continually produces and constructs.
Planting a tree in the mind of the individual.

Socially constructed assemblages
> psychological assemblages

The body without organs
The radical reduction of state to something like a 'loss of self'
Being in the middle of a mosh pit.

Bodies breakdown
Balance and intensive body - variations in amplitude
Loss of linguistic
Feel the body as a singular sensing organ
Loss of awareness of structure that generates the possibility of individual change

Francis Bacon - study of george Dyer, 1969
- Doesn't paint people - paint flesh etc

Body without organs
De-territorialising from identity
Nothing is inevitable > Everything changes 
- Change in the term 'banker' and what it connotes to us
Western thought is pre-occupied by identity
Difference for Deleuze and Guattari precedes identity
Even mountains are considered constructions

'real' is the relation between the thing itself and all its constituent parts
synthesis of change and perminance
Any object us a contingent construction
Made up of molecular constituents

Francis Bacon
- Messy studios - full of stuff he used to work from
- the images influenced his own work

Series of tools for strategic thought
Way of understanding how we exist in relation to an ever changing work.

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